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“International Digital Exhibition of Modern Art”


“PAIONET”-fest, offers a framework where different artistic values meet and present, for a genuine communication for cooperation and strengthening of ideas.

In the created environment, together with artists, we developed the project/artistic works that will have an impact on building broader relationships. A contemporary approach has been created, including traditional individualistic methods, the involvement and promotion of young and professional artists, to understand the reality of the cultural diversity that exists outside the borders of the country, with Albanian artists from the diaspora.

The involvement of artists from the diaspora in collaboration with the community of artists from the region, the country and the local one with a common communication approach, to plan, exchange, collaborate and promote artistic values and innovation in contemporary formats.

Where Vision Takes Shape: Discover Artistry in Every Frame.

Qarshia e Gjatё, Nr.01, 30000, Pejё/Kosovё

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